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bpf Team

Meet the team behind the bpf!

Almost all staff have a direct dial number which you can call them on or you can use the ‘ring round’ function through the main bpf number (020 8452 9823).

Should that person not be able to answer the phone at the time of your call (it may not be their working day, or they may be away from their desk) you should leave a voicemail and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

Executive Team

Dr Frances Gillies


Monday – Friday

020 3833 8962

Email: [email protected]

David Ryan

Director of Corporate Services

Monday – Friday

020 8438 2413

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Strategy, performance, finance and service transformation.

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Angela Marsh

Clinical Services Director


Email: [email protected]

Manages: Clinical Services Department

Matthew Aldridge

Director of Membership & Communications

Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm
Marketing enquiries
Membership enquiries

020 8438 2410

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: All membership enquiries, marketing, publicity, communications, social media, website maintenance and development, design of promotional materials

Dr Wayne Full

Director of Academic and Strategic Development

Monday – Friday

020 3597 9407

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Fundraising, CPD, Research.

Corporate Services & Finance Team

Mark de Souza

HR Business Partner

Wednesday & Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm


Email: [email protected]

Deals with: HR and recruitment.

Lyn Foster

Governance Officer

Wednesday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

020 3834 0141

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Governance, compliance, HR, recruitment.


Sandra Pereira

Training coordinator

Monday – Friday 9.30am – 5.00pm

020 84382411

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Foundation Courses and Infant observation / Short courses 

Edina Kernbaum

IPCAPA Training Coordinator

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8am-6pm and Saturdays 9am-12.30pm

020 84382412

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: IPCAPA child & adolescent training, recruitment & general enquiries regarding the training

Cathie Moore

Property and Office Manager

Monday – Thursday 8am – 5.15pm

020 3833 8964

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Operational management of all meetings, events and activities at 37 Mapesbury Road.

Nat Singh

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training Coordinator


Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training

Angelina Verduzco

BJAA Training Manager

Tuesday 9.00am – 7.00pm, other days accessible by email.

020 84382419

For BJAA Training enquiries, please email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: BJAA training

Nina Lammela

General Administrative Assistant

Full time.

020 8452 9823

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: General Admin

Course Tutors/Directors

Leezah Hertzmann

Director of Couple Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training

Email: [email protected]

Sheelagh Lippell

Director of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training

Email: [email protected]

Akin Ojuma

IPCAPA Course Tutor

Email: [email protected]

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Elizabeth Murphy

IPCAPA Clinical Course Director

Tuesday 9.00am – 7.00pm, other days accessible by email

020 8438 2418

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: IPCAPA training

Danielle Lloyd-Edwards

Clinical Placement Tutor / Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training Lecturer



Email: [email protected]

Deals with: placements for bpf trainees, building relationships with placement providers, Teaches on the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy training.

Urvashi Chand

Director of Foundation Course

Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm


Email: [email protected]

Michela Biseo

Director of Parent-Infant Psychotherapy


Email: [email protected]

Jay Dhillon



Email: [email protected]

Dorothee Magni

MSc Director

Monday – Friday

020 3833 8963

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Overall planning and delivery management of the bpf‘s MSc programme, running in conjunction with Birkbeck College

Anna Fitzgerald

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Course Lecturer

Email: [email protected]

Clinical Services Team

Angela Marsh

Clinical Services Director


Email: [email protected]

Manages: Clinical Services Department

Lisa Prendergast

Clinical Services Officer

Deals with: Referrals and assistance with finding a therapist

Monday – Friday, part-time


Email: [email protected]

Caroline East

Manager of once weekly psychodynamic & Jungian low fee psychotherapy Scheme


Email: [email protected]


Rachel Brown

Head of Safeguarding (and nominated Adult Safeguarding Lead)


Email: [email protected]

Jo Russell

Senior Tutor, Child and Adolescent Therapy (and nominated Child Safeguarding Lead)


Email: [email protected]

Membership & Marketing / Communications Team

Matthew Aldridge

Head of Membership & Communications

Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm

Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm
Marketing enquiries
Membership enquiries

020 8438 2410

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Engagement, marketing, publicity, communications, social media, website maintenance and development, design of promotional materials

Dani Convey

Events and Marketing Officer

Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm

020 3597 9402

Email: [email protected]

Deals with: All events matters, marketing, social media, website maintenance

Sarah Williams

Membership and Engagement Officer

Monday – Thursday, 9am-5pm

Membership enquiries


Email: [email protected]

Deals with: All membership enquiries

Library Team

Eleanor O Donovan

Assistant Librarian

Wednesday and Thursday, 10am-4pm


Email: [email protected]

Deals with: Reading lists, inductions, loans/returns

Polly Mortimer

Library Manager

Wednesday and Thursday, 11am-6pm


Email: [email protected]

Deals with: All library matters