Jung Forum: The Development of the Shadow in Childhood and Adolescence

This talk is also open to analysts, psychotherapists and trainees from other organisations. An exciting series of talks in 2024 based on the Jungian concept of the Shadow and launching with Rowena Mahmud speaking on the development of the shadow in childhood and adolescence. Date: 29/02/2024 Time: 20:00-21:30 Venue: Online (Via Zoom)

Event Details

  • Start Date: Thu, 29 Feb 20:00:00
  • End Date: Thu, 29 Feb 21:30:00
  • Location: Online (via Zoom)


The Jung Forum is offering a stimulating series of talks based the concept of the Shadow.

The recently published book, Jung’s Shadow Concept, will form the basis of the series, with each Jung Forum featuring a talk by the author of one of the chapters.

Rowena Mahmud will be launching the talks on February 29th with her chapter entitled: The Development of the Shadow in Childhood and Adolescence: Shadow Work: Maia’s Story.

Rowena will read an extract from the chapter, including clinical material around short term therapy with a young, traumatised mother, her baby, and how the work impacted them all. Jane Johnson will be chairing the evening and there will be space for questions and answers.

This event is free and is open to all Child and Adolescent trainees and to the wider bpf membership.

About the speaker:

Rowena Mahmud, qualified from IPCAPA and BJAA, British Psychotherapy Foundation, in 2015. Since then she has worked as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist for the Bridge Foundation, alongside teaching and mentoring for the bpf and Tavistock Centre.

She currently works in private practise, as the lead clinician for the Autism assessment team at The Bridge Foundation, runs parent groups and works directly with children and young people.


Note: This talk is also open to analysts, psychotherapists and trainees from other organisations

The following Jung Forum is confirmed for March 21st. The online talk will be given by Ewa and Chris Robertson on their chapter, On Ageing: Coming Home,  from the book Jung's Shadow Concept.